
Hey, so... yeah, I guess we are doing a thing. Is it new? Ehhh... I mean, yes and no. Liesel and I have always loved sharing with others the lessons that we have learned and experiences that have taken place in our lives. Switching our medium from direct communication to a blog or a podcast will be a new but exciting challenge for us, and we thought, why not?

The goal of this website is to share, discuss, and explore all things family, culture, and travel. Why? These are the three main areas that Liesel and I are most passionate about. Plus, it gives us a creative outlet so that’s a win in itself.

So anyway, lets unpack these areas a bit.


We love our little family and all of the joys and challenges that come with it. We believe that being parents is not something that should be taken lightly and because of this outlook there are so many lessons that we have learned and are still learning. We’ve also been married for nearly 11 years and while we are not experts by any stretch of the imagination, we’ve learned a lot about ourselves and each other in that chunk of time. It’s likely that we will share some of that aspect of our lives as well.


Liesel and I love experiencing different cultures and allowing them to develop and expand our outlook. We believe that it is essential for people to get outside of their home culture and experience a new and different one. The growth that takes place during this time can make a lasting impact that will shape a person’s worldview for the rest of their lives. A wide worldview is worth having.


Traveling... my word. It’s probably one of our most favorite pastimes. Both of us place a higher value on traveling and experiences than we do on material things. From 2016 to 2020 we had the opportunity to live and travel overseas. Within that four year period, were able to see many amazing places. There are so many more we have not been able to visit yet, but we want to! You can bet we will make the effort to as well.

Finally, I saved the most important area of our lives for last: our faith. This is something that permeates all three of our passions. Our faith in Jesus Christ impacts how we love our family, how we relate to and react to other cultures, and how we conduct ourselves on our travel adventures.

This is a small glimpse into our lives and our purpose for trying something new together. We hope to share our interests and a bit of our lives with you all. And maybe some humor here and there to make you smile? Sure, why not?


Lost in Chaos