long hair, don’t care (because I can’t care but I want to look like I do) “hacks”
Ok guys. At risk of sounding vain I need to say this: I love my hair. I enjoy doing a whole host of things to care for it: hair masks, certain kinds of shampoo and conditioner, protective hairstyles, etc. (Future post? Hmmm…). My reason for telling you all this is so that when I say I just do NOT have time for it these days, you get the gravity of the situation. I love it; sadly, I don’t have time for it.
I’m a mom.
As such, certain things (hair care) take a back seat to other, more important things (child care). The level of hair care that I enjoy is just not on the priority list most days. But my mane IS on my head, which is usually pretty noticeable by most, so I like to at least make it look like I care about my appearance a little bit.
(Note: obviously, you do not have to be a mom to enjoy these “hacks”. It’s just that momhood has pushed me to like them more than I already did).
Here are four things I do to my hair when I want to look like I tried but honestly took anywhere from 7 seconds to 10 minutes to do my hair. (Did I time these? Yes. Yes I did. That said, these are based on my own personal speed.)
One: Dry shampoo.
Level: buy at store, spray in hair.
Time: 30 seconds
Dry shampoo is my bff. My favorite brand is Batiste (mostly because I admit to being influenced by my favorite YouTuber and also because I can buy this one overseas where I’ve been living). If you haven’t yet delved into the world of dry shampoo, there are lots of options out there. And, if you’re anything like me (read: up to my eyeballs in momlife on the daily) it may be worth a try. I typically pack a small travel-size can of dry shampoo for trips too. You never know when the shower situation is going to be questionable or unavailable.
High ponytails, topknots, braids and more all benefit from this genius invention because you can disguise that less-than-clean hair and get the added bonus of hold for your hairstyle. Win-win.
Two: Beanies.
Level: own a beanie.
Time: 7 seconds to 1 minute, depending on the hairstyle under the hat and if I used dry shampoo or not
Are beanies even “in” anymore? Don’t know, don’t care, I’ll be wearing them in the cold and coldish months til they are outlawed or I’m dead, whichever comes first. I like the look, I like the warmth, and I like that they hide my day 4 hair. Or day 5 hair? What day is this?? You see my point here.
So, hair down, hair in side pony, hair in a braid or two… it’s a WIN when you slap a beanie over it. Or — and I’m just spitballing here — any other hat could work too. I guess I’m mostly thinking of baseball caps… but could we bring back top hats please? I’d wear one…
An. Y. Way. I’ve talked far too long about hats. Moving on.
Three: French/Dutch pigtail braids.
Level: gotta know how to braid your own hair
Time: for medium length hair, about 8 minutes. (For me this included a quick search for hairties since I was unprepared, and excluded getting distracted midway through as I’m prone to do.)
This hair hack is for when you finally get a shower and have 10 minutes to devote to your hair. I know, I KNOW. What mom does?? Hear me out. Do this one and it will save you up to 3 days of real hair care. So really it’s an investment, right?
It goes like this: shower. Let your hair air dry a tiny bit so it’s not dripping wet… just plain old wet. Add product if you’re into that sort of thing. Divide hair and don’t spend your brain power or precious time on making it a beautiful part down the middle. (You can’t see the top and back of your head anyway and no one cares that much. If they do, you’ve just provided some bored individual with something to talk about, so count that as a win.) French or Dutch braid that wet mane into pigtails. Go to bed because mama, you deserve the sleep! (Clearly my showers happen at night these days…). Wake up, live your life, and in a day or two, release the mane into braid waves. Spray with dry shampoo if ya need it, and rock it with confidence.
Four: Hair stick(s).
Level: a bit more practice intensive at first, until you get the hang of it
Time: 17 seconds
One day I was gifted a pretty, handmade pair of hair sticks and my hair life was forever changed. Sounds dramatic. It is. But it’s also true. Here’s the catch: you gotta have long hair for this. The good news is you don’t have to have fancy hair sticks to do it. A writing utensil or chopstick will work too. I’ve only mastered the Lazy Wrap Bun but I love it and have worn it at all different heights on my head. Excluding right at my hairline above my forehead. I have no desire to resemble a unicorn. If you’re so inclined though, you do you.
Using hair sticks may take a little practice but once I got the hang of it? So easy. And they don’t typically put kinks in my hair or pull at it uncomfortably like hair ties do. The only downside? They aren’t really portable. It’s a little inconvenient to carry a small stick around if you decide to take your hair down for a bit. But like I said, if you don’t have a hair tie handy, snatch up a pen, and throw your hair up with it. Easy. Pretty. Done before your kid starts screaming for your help or attention.
Now, could I go on and on about hair? Yes. Have I already planned at least one future hair-related post? Also yes. For now, I’ll leave it at these four hair-related things for the mama who still cares a little about her hair and wants a smidge more variety in her life than a messy bun (which I’m totally not knocking, by the way. That one is classic and will forever be a go-to for anyone with hair long enough to pull back).
May each and every one of you troopers who made it to the end of this post have many good hair days ahead. And if you don’t? That’s what a beanie is for. :)